Welcome to Ypikay.com

Starting Jan 31, 2024:
Actual SOL Sat balance is:   SOL Sat

458012795 SOL Sat claimed on Ypikay
1959 clicks on ads
32508 SOL Sat staked by users
Submit your faucetpay email (just need to submit once)

What is YPIKAY ?

Ypikay is a mining hub.

On Ypikay you mine crypto, but this time it's for real (no deposit asked)
You will mine on different pools that we selected, using your GPU or CPU, the choice is yours.
The more you mine, the more you earn.
Give it a try, we have the funds to pay you !

Time to give some explanations !

How to earn at Ypikay ?

This website is linked to FaucetPay. This means that we will only pay users who have an account registered at FaucetPay.
No crypto will be sent to any privately owned crypto address.
To create your free account at FaucetPay, please click here.

Ypikay.com is a mining platform. When you mine, you take part in calculating hashes to create cryptoccurencies.
we here mine Monero and pay in Solana but any other platform could have you mining other cryptocurrencies
