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Starting Jan 31, 2024:
Actual SOL Sat balance is:   SOL Sat

458677235 SOL Sat claimed on Ypikay
5743 clicks on ads
20770 SOL Sat staked by users
Submit your faucetpay email (just need to submit once)

How to start earning SOLANA

- Dowload the miner xmrig-6.21.1
(23.544.982 bytes, no password, tested with Eset32 antivirus Feb 07, 2025, online)

In case you still have troubles with XmRig, scroll down and find another software + confi help
Please wait 15 sec...

CPU: XMRig mining procedure / Step by step guide

- Dowload the miner xmrig-6.21.1
(23.544.982 bytes, no password, tested with Eset32 antivirus Feb 07, 2025, online)
This is mostly dedicated to CPU MINING.
This miner, XMRig, is very famous and trusted by millions of happy users around the world. It has been tested with our antivirus before we put it online. Downloading is safe.
- See instructions below for install and setup.
- Run the miner for a few minutes and see your SOLANA counter increase.

How to launch XMRig ?

STEP 1: Login (top of page)

STEP 2: Dowload the miner xmrig-6.21.1
(23.544.982 bytes, no password, tested with Eset32 antivirus Feb 07, 2025, online)

STEP 3: Unzip the file to the folder you want it to run.

STEP 4: Open config.json file with your text editor.

If you don't want to use your CPU (motherboard processor) go to lines 28 & 29:
"cpu": {
"enabled": true,

change true and write false.
The new line should look like this:
"enabled": false,

Chosing between CUDA and OPENCL
CUDA is specific to Nvidia GPUs, so if your graphic card is Nvidia, turn on CUDA
OPENCL is dedicated to other GPUs (normaly here AMD) so, if your graphic card is AMD, turn on OPENCL

How to turn on CUDA
Go to lines 120 & 121:
"cuda": {
"enabled": false,
(or true...)
change false and write true.
The new lines should look like this:
"cuda": {
"enabled": true,

How to turn on OPENCL
Go to lines 112 & 113:
"opencl": {
"enabled": false,
(or true...)
change false and write true.
The new lines should look like this:
"cuda": {
"enabled": true,

How to set mining power
Go to lines 189 & 190:
"threads": 68,
"blocks": 40
Try to adjust these two parameters. The highest, the more power you will have.
If your miner sends an error, then one of the parameters is probably too high.

How to set your username
Go to line 208
"user": "46KTacVvSyD9pQWbimjRKh8ZXt8bhZihw1JRiHeNsLXYTpX4vXKv5VxMX6UWUphSzi6jbvTdxhivyUH36nn3yJxN71pEj6c+username",
Change the line to put your username in place of "username"
The new line should look like this (login first to have the correct username displayed below):
"user": "46KTacVvSyD9pQWbimjRKh8ZXt8bhZihw1JRiHeNsLXYTpX4vXKv5VxMX6UWUphSzi6jbvTdxhivyUH36nn3yJxN71pEj6c+",
In case you didn't login yet, the username is the left part of you faucetpay email, before the "@"

That's it.

STEP 5: Launch the software... ;)

Many reported difficulties concerning Xmrig. This software is NOT a virus, BUT
Here is a new software online
Download XMR-STAK RX WIN64 and do some mixing with old config file.
This software works only using your CPU, which takes less electricitywhen you mine.

Here is the "cpu.txt" file you must ad in the software's folder:

// generated by xmr-stak/2.9.0/61e997c34/master/win/nvidia-amd-cpu/20

"cpu_threads_conf" :
//CPU config is disabled by default because cryptonight_gpu is not suitable for CPU mining.
{ "low_power_mode" : false, "no_prefetch" : false, "asm" : "auto", "affine_to_cpu" : 0 },
{ "low_power_mode" : false, "no_prefetch" : false, "asm" : "auto", "affine_to_cpu" : 1 },
{ "low_power_mode" : false, "no_prefetch" : false, "asm" : "auto", "affine_to_cpu" : 2 },
{ "low_power_mode" : true, "no_prefetch" : true, "asm" : "auto", "affine_to_cpu" : 3 },
{ "low_power_mode" : true, "no_prefetch" : true, "asm" : "auto", "affine_to_cpu" : 4 },
{ "low_power_mode" : true, "no_prefetch" : true, "asm" : "auto", "affine_to_cpu" : 5 },
{ "low_power_mode" : true, "no_prefetch" : true, "asm" : "auto", "affine_to_cpu" : 6 },
{ "low_power_mode" : true, "no_prefetch" : true, "asm" : "auto", "affine_to_cpu" : 7 },
{ "low_power_mode" : true, "no_prefetch" : true, "asm" : "auto", "affine_to_cpu" : 8 },
{ "low_power_mode" : true, "no_prefetch" : true, "asm" : "auto", "affine_to_cpu" : 9 },
{ "low_power_mode" : true, "no_prefetch" : true, "asm" : "auto", "affine_to_cpu" : 10 },
{ "low_power_mode" : true, "no_prefetch" : true, "asm" : "auto", "affine_to_cpu" : 11 },

Here is the "pools.txt" file you must ad in the software's folder:

// generated by xmr-stak-rx/1.0.5-rx/6091644/xmr-stak-rx-dev/win/cpu

"pool_list" :
{"pool_address" : "xmrpool.eu:3333", "wallet_address" : "46KTacVvSyD9pQWbimjRKh8ZXt8bhZihw1JRiHeNsLXYTpX4vXKv5VxMX6UWUphSzi6jbvTdxhivyUH36nn3yJxN71pEj6c+CHANGE_HERE_PUT_LEFT_PART_OF_EMAIL", "rig_id" : "", "pool_password" : "x", "use_nicehash" : false, "use_tls" : true, "tls_fingerprint" : "", "pool_weight" : 1 },

"currency" : "randomx",

Here is the "config.txt" file you must ad in the software's folder:

// generated by xmr-stak-rx/1.0.5-rx/6091644/xmr-stak-rx-dev/win/cpu

"call_timeout" : 10,
"retry_time" : 30,
"giveup_limit" : 0,

"verbose_level" : 4,
"print_motd" : true,

"h_print_time" : 300,

"aes_override" : null,

"use_slow_memory" : "warn",

"tls_secure_algo" : true,

"daemon_mode" : false,

"output_file" : "",

"httpd_port" : 0,

"http_login" : "",
"http_pass" : "",

"prefer_ipv4" : true,
